Fall Chores

Fall is upon us.  How many out there have forced hot air heating?  It's time to change your furnace filters -- or vacuum them out if yours are re-usable.   With the man being in the HVAC business, it's easy (and generally free), to have someone come by each fall to check the furnace.  We do our part as well, by cleaning the floor vents.

It's a simple job.  Pull up the vents and blow the covers off, then wash them.  Sacrificing and old toothbrush means you can get between the vents a lot better.  Once the vent covers are up, stick a vacuum cleaner hose down the shaft, and suck up any dirt or debris that's fallen in during the year.  Once the heat goes on for the first time, there will be less irritants blowing up into the air.

Our vents are in use all year since we have central air conditioning.  However, once it's time for the air to go off there is generally a couple of weeks where the heat isn't needed.  We use that time to do our vent-related chores.  It's an icky job, but it's worth doing!


  1. Great reminder! Thanks for your post.

    1. Ugh, there are still a few more vents to be done!

  2. I don't know that kind of heating. We have a gas boiler, radiators and a couple of wood burning stoves. It's a different world!

    1. I miss the gas boiler we had at our last house -- no need to clean vents at all!


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