Buying Off Season

A great way to save mucho doneros, is to purchase goods off season.  Just about everyone already knows this.  Most folks use this method when shopping for clothes, but at the Microcosm, it applies to just about everything.

One favorite spot to find end of season/clearance deals is Home Depot.  Yeah, we could shop at Loews, but it's not convenient -- and one of our very well performing investment funds holds Home Depot stock.  That is something we think about as both consumers and investors. 

This basket hanger will be a Christmas present.  Marked down to just under nine bucks, it was originally forty.  It's not something to fit in to the micro-garden in our backyard, but we've got a family member who does a lot of fussy gardening, with decorations, nick-knacks and the the like.

Nine inch planters marked down from five bucks to ninety-eight cents were another great score.  It's easy to go crazy and just buy them all, but we stuck with just four.  These are tougher than small pails from the dollar store and will hold stuff well under our sinks.  There is one in the bathroom, and the rest will be pressed into use under the kitchen sink.

Many people flock to these stores after Christmas to buy clearance holiday goods.  Those sales are fairly obvious.  The after summer/garden goods are quietly marked down and there are good deals to be found from October into November.  It may be too late to snag them this year -- but keep them in mind next!
