Harvesting Lavender

There was quite a lot of lavender in the garden this year.  None of it was planted, it all came back from the previous year.   Last year it was cut and dried, then poured into larger pepper shakers from Dollar Tree (the size with large holes often used for red pepper).  This year, the bunches are being hung on the back porch to dry.  Not sure what it will all be used for yet, but at least it's been harvested, rather than being left to die in the frost.

One thing we've been doing, is keeping a jar filled with lavender and vinegar.  This gets used a lot -- we put it on the water the kitchen sponge is dried in.  It gets used for cleaning other smelly things too.

We don't have very "flowery" house, but there is something wonderful about the smell of real lavender.  It's worth saving at the end of the season!

What do you use it for?


  1. I love that shot of the window! I tried to grow lavender this year, but it died. I will try again.

    1. Thank you! I might just keep the lavender up for a while, rather than "processing" it. This huge yield came from plants that came back from the previous year -- a very pleasant surprise!


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