Nook & Cranny Cleaning - Bathroom Sink

The bathroom gets wiped down every other day.  The towels are washed every other day or so, with the exception of the hand towel -- which is done any time a load of laundry is run.  Which means pretty much every day in this house.  The end result is a bathroom that always looks clean.  That's great -- on the surface.  One problem is that since the space always looks clean, nothing more tends to get done.  As a result, small spaces can get pretty gross.  One example is the toothbrush holder.  That's something easy to forget about until you really look inside it and see all the yuck.  Gross.
It's important to take at least one day per week to do "nook and cranny cleaning" in rooms you normally just keep up with on a daily basis.  In addition to cleaning out the toothbrush holder, take some time to soak the brushes and other implements in Listerine or a generic equivalent.  Ideally, for the best hygiene, this should be done daily, but most folks don't have the time for that.
The bathroom faucet is wiped down daily too.  A closer look at the grooves in the handles and around the base will turn up gunk.  That's why once per week, it's also important to get down and dirty in this area.  Just wiping the faucet and sink surface daily (or more) is a must so that the room looks nice, but it's important to get in the tighter area to really keep germs at bay.
The area around the faucet handles can get pretty gross, as can the spot where the faucet joins the counter.  Granted, no one is going to be looking that close -- but that doesn't mean the area shouldn't be clean.

This level of scrutiny and cleaning may seem ridiculous to some, but this lady figures one way to really tell if someone is keeping their bathroom clean, is to check in back of the faucet, as well as around the base and seat of the toilet.  Are you keeping up with those areas?


  1. It is not ridiculous to me! The worst thing I can do is go in my bathroom with my glasses on. I'll be lost in there for an hour doing that nook and cranny thing. lol

  2. We are pretty tidy people yet not necessarily clean - never gross bathrooms though, I just can't handle it. Life is too short for yucky bathrooms :)

    1. Gross kitchens and bathrooms are a big "No." I did pull out one table in the kitchen that is kept against a wall, next to the stove. It took me hours to get the floor and all hidden surfaces clean! I was proud that I was keeping all the spices on the table clean, but then realized that I couldn't put off cleaning underneath it. What a project!

  3. My nook and cranny sure would past local drill Sargent exception.

    Coffee is on

    1. I keep thinking of those shows where they'd have people go in and shame messy people. Killer Ebola or e-coli in the kitchen sink, salmonella in the fridge... I think the bathroom is far easier than the kitchen!

  4. Thanks for the sharing.such a valuable information. This will surely make cleaning easier!


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