CPAP Sanitation

While I don't require a CPAP machine, TBG does.  Actually, he uses a Bi-PAP.  The accessories should be cleaned every week, which is a job I try to do at least that much.  My goal is for 2X per week.

There are ultra-sonic cleaning machines which probably make this a lot easier, but they are at least three hundred bucks!  Instead, I rely on a sink of warm water with some generic Listerine.  I take it all apart, then use a paper towel dipped in the mouthwash to wipe anything I can.  I run the mouthwash through the tube too.  Then I let it soak for a couple of hours while I go off to tackle other chores.

If I am going to the bother of cleaning the CPAP stuff, I also sanitize our dental tools -- brushes, brush heads, etc.  I should probably also mention that I give the sink a good cleaning and rinse before I start this whole process.

I'll hang the hoses out to dry over the shower stall door and then set the other stuff on a clean counter-top.  I do make sure to rinse it all well and give it ample time to dry before TBG needs to use it that night.

At the minimum, I do this each time I change the bed.  It's all there anyway.  It is not unusual for me to fit in a second cleaning because I am always putting away laundry or vacuuming in the area where the machine is located.

If I can ever find a cleaning machine at half the regular price, and if we have a few extra bucks in our HSA account, I might just buy one.  But for now, doing it myself is working out just fine!

Do many of you use one of these  machines or have someone in your life who does?  Have they bought the cleaning machine, or do they do it themselves like me? I am curious!


  1. My husband has the same machine. His cushion covers his mouth and nose because he breathes through his mouth. We were told to clean it every day. Every morning I(😂) fill my sink with warm water and baby wash and rinse out the mouthpiece, well, and run water through the hose. I use baby wash from our dollar tree and no problem. We change the cushion each month also.

  2. We just bought an ultrasonic cleaner from Ali Express for under $100AUD . It ships direct from China. We got a big one, you can get smaller ones for under $50AUD. :)

    I've bought a lot of stuff from Ali over the years. It is kind of like ebay but you are dealing directly with the manufacturers of the goods. So sometimes communication is not the best as English is not their first language.

    1. I have never heard of Ali and will have to investigate. Thanks!

  3. I would no anything about cpap neither my hubby or I use one.
    Coffee is on

  4. Great idea for cleaning a CPAP. I am going to try this out on mine!

    1. I guess I should consider cleaning more often though....

  5. I will never see that word without reading it as CRAP. I wondered what you were going to discuss about CRAP sanitation. No one in my family uses one (that is, a CPAP machine), but a friend tried to use one and gave up because it was so noisy.

    1. The noise level (and the fact that our sleeping schedules conflict) is a big reason why I sleep in another room! But if I hear him snoring, I wake him up and make him put it on!


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