Father's Day...

The day has long since past, but we did commemorate The Big Guy... even though his only kid has four legs and a tail.

Nothing says "holiday" in our house, like a celebratory box of Cap'n Crunch with Crunchberries.  We love it, but it is only to be enjoyed as a treat.  The Captain Marvel T-Shirt came with a promissory to  either go out to see it in a theater or view it pay-per-view.  He really wants to see it. 

At first, TBG was confused as to why he was getting multi-colored thread and a half yard of Avengers fabric.  This is for his future patch/repair jobs.  I've been using a paisley fabric on his jeans, but now any rips that start in another pair of jeans with start fresh with super-hero themed repairs.  He does have a few pairs of jeans that have yet to be torn... but that's only going to last for so long. I am looking forward to doing some cool things with this fabric when the time comes.

We spent Saturday night in Canada, sleeping over after a really fun retirement party.  We got home later in the afternoon, which is when we 'celebrated.'  Some might think it's silly for me to get presents from the dog, but I never got to celebrate the holiday growing up, so I am making up for it now while I can.  So there!


  1. I think it is wonderful you celebrate for him and the dogs. I love how you patch his jeans. Someday, maybe you can show us your work.

    1. Now I actually can't wait until he rips another pair of pants

  2. I actual a fan of paisley print.
    Coffee is on

    1. He likes it too...but he also really likes Marvel comics!


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