Car and Camp

So I have actually been at camp since the middle of the last week of June.  TBG went home to visit his family and help with a family issue.  Teddy and I headed to camp to make his life easier.  Tom was back from his family and joined us for the fourth of July.  Just prior to his arrival, the ignition lock in my old Benz seized up.  This happens to them all eventually, and I'd had problems before.  Luckily, a local garage could tow it for free through AAA and I will get a discount on the repairs.  The only problem is that the part has not yet arrived!  We hope it comes in today or tomorrow...

Along with the ignition problem, I tripped on Teddy's lead and sprained my ankle really badly!  Luckily, my doctor was willing to call in an RX to the local CVS for Celebrex.  TBG brought me a cane and one of my old ankle braces.  That took a few days, so I spent a lot of time just hanging out with the birds. A good friend here walked Teddy3x a day and has been doing laundry for me.  I am a lucky girl, even when I am unlucky!  My ankle is now just about back to normal.

My friend June and I did get out to the local farmer's market, which is every Wednesday starting at 2:30.  I picked up some luscious tomatoes.  I should have gotten strawberries too -- but the camp refrigerator is small.  The market is at a church in town, so we also visited the weekly rummage sale in their basement.  For about four bucks, I scored four pieces of jewelry, and an unused coffee grinder.  We stopped at place that sells $1 sundaes and I treated. I've been able to do this twice so far.

I was also able to find cheap health and beauty supplies to squirrel away.  Rite Aid has sold the stores in this area to Walgreens and are clearing out merchandise at a discount.  Most of what I got was 60% off -- including the Hanes leggins I love to wear. I only ever buy them on sale with a coupon, but the mark down price was around five bucks a piece -- from $17. I picked up four -- along with socks and underwear for TBG.

One dark spot, was that Teddy licked a bug bite raw and developed a huge irritated under belly.  We'd dodged hot spots for a year and a half.  The vet would not call in an antibiotic prescription for her, which really has me peeved.  Luckily, people rallied around her and handed over any amoxicillin they had on hand.  We took her to the groomer for a bath and clip too.  Tommy took her home.  I'll have a frank discussion with the vet when she is in for her annual visit.  We had past understandings that we could get a refill without a visit since her problem is chronic.  The treatment is always the same.

While I love our camp, I am now pining for home!  We'll take our friends out to dinner to thank them for all they have done for us through this debacle.  While this has sucked, it has made me once again grateful to have wonderful and caring people in our life.


  1. It often seems that everything bad/annoying happens at once. I hope all is okay now. I would very definitely be upset with the vet. Hope he gets an earful.

    1. After my epic cold and pulled groin muscle, this was just too much! I did spend some time charting out all of Teddy's test results to show him. Then once we go over that, I plan to have the "talk." I think I have spent over $2500 in vet bills this year, so they need to understand that I shouldn't be forced to pay for a visit we don't need --and that I'm not the type of person to short change my dog. I have a feeling it wasn't our main vet to insisted on this.

  2. Everything seems to happy at once, doesn't it? I hope TBG gets his family problem sorted, your ankle has healed and that Teddy is recovering. How unhelpful of the vet.
    Classic cars, huh? Thank goodness for the nice things in life like good friends, farmer's markets and rummage sales! xxx

    1. At least the problem wasn't engine related! Everything else is well on the mend. Thanks Vix!

  3. Good friends are priceless - glad they were there to help. Hmm. Doctors and vets who won't prescribe renewals for chronic conditions without a visit such. I love farmers markets and rummage sales...haven't seen one for a bit though.

    1. I really like going the church basement route when it comes to treasure hunting. They don't gouge on prices. TBG did say it wasn't our regular vet... so next time I see him, I am guessing he'll be receptive and repentant. Let's hope!


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