Getting Out!

Studies have shown the positive psychological effect of getting out in nature.  Green spaces are important to our state of mind.  I really take this to heart and am so thankful that the opportunity to get out into nature is part of my regular existence.

Our camp is in "apple country."  Wayne County, NY is in a huge farming region that produces not only apples, but cherries, peaches, pears and other agricultural products.  The area is beautiful!

When I am not gazing at the lake, I get in my car and drive around just to see the beautiful orchards.  A bonus, are the various styles of old stone houses that were built.  These are very old and many are still in use.

It's not hard to find rows and rows of flowering trees like this in May.  I tool this picture the weekend before Memorial Day.  It's not the best quality image because I used my phone. I hate it when I forget the camera!

It is restful to  just look at these old trees.  While we have lots of parks and gardens to enjoy at home, it's not the same as getting out of our urban/suburban area and getting back in touch with wide open agricultural and country landscapes.

One of the benefits I get from spending time in my little trailer, is that getting outside refreshes and recharges my psyche in a way that few other things can.

Do you get away like this?


  1. We do, but we tend to go to the happy place. Looks lovely, would be especially lovely in fall

    1. I love the ocean! I have been pleased that being on one of the Great Lakes is kind of close to that -- but without the salt. I think Teddy would drink salt water and then puke a lot...

  2. It amazing the beauty of world.
    Coffee is on

  3. I like getting out where there are old farms and trees. Green is psychologically beneficial.

    1. I am now enjoying eating the fresh produce. All of the "Freshness" is beneficial.

  4. I love the stone houses up North where I am from though living in VA now. And just imagine, all that stone beauty were the practical Northerners taking stones out from the fields to plant crops!

    1. I love the many different kinds of stone houses people constructed. I also love being able to get my hands on a variety of big rocks at the lake shore. I do bring them home for my garden and other projects.


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