I'll Be Back Soon!

I am out of town again and will have to miss a week or more of blogging.  One of my in-laws is facing serious health issues.  His house needs to be cleared out -- or at least cleaned up enough to be put up for sale.  Since I don't have to worry about missing work, I'm heading out to do at least a week's worth (maybe two) of cleaning and re-organizing.

I'll try to keep up with all my blog reading but it is doubtful I'll have any opportunity to post.  Please forgive the lapse!


  1. Good luck, I highly recommend using rubber gloves otherwise you will end up with raw hands. Always difficult to help clean out someone elses house but I am sure they really appreciate it (or the family does)

  2. I need someone to clean my house! I always use Barkeeper's friend in addition to baking soda. I just found out that BF will clean much better than baking soda for cleaning out sink and for cleaning that last little rough residue on baking pans and will clean sstainless steel! For so long I have struggled with these three things and now use BF. ugh, why did I not know sooner. Good luck with all the cleaning.

    Don't hurt yourself. I am sure they really appreciate your efforts.

  3. So very nice of you. Best wishes for your in-law.

  4. Hope it is an easier task than you anticipated. Take care!


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