Another Small Project

The boys (The Big Guy and Jimmy Jam) installed a new kitchen light the week before last.  Previously, the fixture had four halogen lamps that were continually going out.  Those bulbs are expensive and are supposed to last a long time -- but they weren't.  They were also impossible to remove. Since every lamp ever installed here (including the one that came with the house) invariably had a lamp on it that stopped working, I felt our best bet would be to choose a fixture with a single lamp/bulb.

Once it was hung, it was obvious the ceiling would have to be dealt with.  The older fixtures left a couple of holes and the paint was a different color too.

This is a cheap plastic medallion that was about fifteen bucks.  I used a couple of different spray paint colors -- mostly grey and copper, to achieve a muted finish that would go with the light and work in our darker room.  We are obviously not riding the Chip and Johanna Gaines band wagon.  Washed out colors, whites, beige, and greys are not for us. Does anyone else hate the bland term "greige" as much as I do?

This wasn't a big change.  But it did solve a problem -- a malfunctioning light fixture that was driving me crazy.  By the time I switched it out, only one out of four lamps on the old piece were working.  I think we ended up with a better style, which should keep on working.


  1. Haha! Greige ey? I hear you. When I was selecting dark brown cabinets and drawers for the bathroom, the contractor was with me. After the bathroom was done, he confessed that he never thought it would look that good while I made the purchases. I rather think he thought I was nuts but, of course he would not say that. I like darker tones too but my apartment is not very bright so, I need to be careful.

    1. Having white cabinets is such a chore. They show up every speck of dirt. I think brown makes much more sense too! We have a dark bathroom too and it is a lot easier to hide dirt.... not saying that you're dirty. But brown is much more sensible and I think it's rich looking too.

  2. We got grey carpets but that was more for lifestyle than a decorating choice. I too hate griege. We need to get the beige out of our house but completely changing colours is very costly in an open concept house. Maybe over time. I love that lamp - great idea and medallion looks great too.

    1. I like grey flooring. I think there needs to be flooring or carpet color that is called "Dirt" and is the color of dirt. Especially for those of us with dogs!

  3. Another really cool light fixture!! I love it! My whole house is painted beige with white trim. I'm ready for a change, but thinking I may go all white. I need lighter colors around but I'm one of those crazy artist people. lol

    1. We are addicted to color, and our rooms always end up being a pretty intense or dark hue. I do like the white trim we have in our bedroom now as opposed to areas that were left clear/wood before.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks! It wasn't all that expensive either. I don't think it will be hard to keep it clean.


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