Curtain Call

I returned to the house I helped clean out this past summer.  While I hadn't intended to do any more traveling, I needed to step in and help the primary care giver so she and her husband could go out of town for a wedding.  The request was for me to come out for three days but driving five hours is a real waste for such a short period of time, so I opted to stay for at least a week.  All told, I spent about ten days there and one project I managed to accomplish was sewing curtains/window coverings to replace those that did not make it through the big clean.

Being the thrifty and untalented seamstress that I am, I went for cheap and easy.  The material used was a nice table cloth which was found on clearance. There was enough to cut panels for three windows in the living room -- no gathering, just a straight panel.  This served the purpose of dressing the bare windows and providing privacy.  Since the material was already hemmed, I took advantage of that in order to cut down on sewing time. The colors went well with the room.  Lucky for me!

The floral material used in the kitchen ended up matching the wall color quite nicely.  I'd cut up a very large table cloth to make an apron and my five dollar flower chair.  I had just enough material to make gathered panels.  The one shown here is just one long run of material -- I was too lazy to cut and stitch two separate panels!

This longer curtain was sewn correctly in two pieces.  I just figured it made sense to be able to open that one to peek into the back yard.  With the counter in the way, it's harder for shorties like me to see over the top!

I spent the better part of a day sewing these for five windows. The project cost just about nothing since I re-used material that I had on hand.  The house is going to be put on the market -- hopefully sooner rather than later, and having window coverings up will make a bit of a difference in how the place shows.

Even though I really don't sew well, there are times that what I can do is better than nothing!


  1. My mother did a lot of recyle sewing. Lot of my clothes when I was very young was made from such things as my dad shirts.
    Thank you for being such kind and caring person.
    Coffee is on

    1. That is a nice thing to say. I save a lot of fabric and then wonder if I am a hoarder. Then I get to use it like this. So I just keep on saving it!

  2. I can sew by hand, but not by machine and a simple straight curtain or a hem is pretty much the limit as to what I can do. lol. I think your curtains look great! In fact that living room looks really terrific for a house that needed cleaning out so badly. I think it will show well once on the market.

    1. My machine is an old Kenmore from the 70's (possibly earlier). With my low skill level and cheap mindset, that's it for me. I hear new machines are easier to use but I don't want to bother buying one if all I every sew are straight lines!

  3. What a treasure you are! The house looks lovely. I can't tell that you're an unskilled seamstress from looking at your photos, the cafe curtains look great!

    1. Thanx Vix! Cafe curtains are my go-to solution for quick and easy window dressings. The costliest part was the tension rods at three bucks a piece.

  4. I am an expert seamstress, but I often make a curtain with only one panel for the sake of privacy so it won't be gaping open, Loo ks great!

    1. Well that makes me feel a lot better. Thank you!

  5. Girl, you could never tell in a million years that was a hoarder house. What a truly kind and loving person you are.

    1. That is kind of you to say. There were a bunch of us working on the house, but I was able to give a little more time since I don't have a job to juggle too. I actually want to sew a few things for the owner that will be just for him. I'm thinking something with his favorite sports team... After all, when you're a guy, pretty curtains aren't a big deal! But he was very appreciative :-)


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