End of the Season

I've been away from home and apologize for a lapse in posts.  One of the things I've been up to, is clearing out the trailer for the end of the season.  This picture here shows why I have to clean things out before we shut things down.  This box of instant coffee (in bag form) was something I found in the back of our non-perishable food cabinet.  I'm not sure if it happened during the season or if it was something I missed at the start, but it's evidence of how annoying mice can be.

Prior to my trip to camp, I traveled to the Albany area for a family reunion, making the trip with my sister and leaving Teddy at home.  The original intent was to stop in Rochester and pick up an aging aunt and older cousin who could not drive themselves.  It became evident the week before that our aunt was not robust enough to travel.

Unfortunately, or fortunately for us -- if you think of what might have transpired, our Aunt passed away two days before we were scheduled to go.  It was a good thing the decision was made to to go together, as I do not know how we would have coped with her sudden passing had we been looking after her.  It was sad to gather without her.

Once back at home, I immediately turned around and drove out to Rochester to attend the wake. I brought Teddy with me.  She waited patiently in the car while I attended the wake.  We then went to camp.  The next morning, I left her there and drove back to Rochester for the funeral.  My heritage is Greek, but I do not practice religion and was not raised in the Orthodox church.  It was a surprise that most of the ceremony was performed in English, with the priest taking time to explain the process.  There are three parts to the service and the process is different from traditional non-orthodox practices.

The wake and funeral took up the better part of two days, so I needed four days away.  I got the trailer packed up and now all that is left, is for TBG to pull in our slide-outs and drain the water system, then add anti-freeze.  He will do that next weekend, without me or Teddy.

I have spent so much time away from home this summer, that I am actually looking forward to the "off-season." It will be easier to get things done at home and we'll save a bit of money too.  We will miss our camp friends and the lake -- but we've already put down our deposit for next year.

Having a lake-front spot is one of our splurges in life.  Not actually owning a second property makes it not only more affordable, but easier to maintain.  But while it's nice to get away, I'm looking forward to being a cold weather home-body!


  1. You have been busy and not all fun. There will be plenty of time this winter to get home things accomplished. Mice spread the hantavirus, deadly.

    1. Anytime I see mouse droppings, I take it seriously for just that reason! Alas, it looks as though I am heading back to Albany to help the family again at the end of the week. Oh well!

    2. I am glad you are aware and did not take offense at my mentioning it. You certainly are good to your family.

  2. I am sorry about your Aunt but it sounds like it was her time. My husband is Ukrainian. One set of Grandparents were Orthodox (Greek/Ukrainian Orthodox are generally identical ceremonies with only the language being different) and one being Roman Catholic. The funerals are always interesting...and long.

    1. I will say the church is beautiful. When the services are in Greek, I zone out looking at the tile work!

  3. My condolences to you and your family on the passing of your aunt.

    1. Thank you Jeanie. She was very well loved in her community and as a teacher, very very popular. She was a good aunt!


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