Closet Full!

Before I left on my ten-day trip, I devoted an entire afternoon to my Health and Beauty Aids stock-pile closet.  I would say about 3/4 of what's accumulated came from the Dollar Tree.  Other stuff was either sale or clearance.  The closet had gotten quite disorganized with the plethora of bargains found in the past six months or so.
I've never been able to turn down salon or better quality drug store shampoos or conditioners on sale or at the DT.  The only thing in this stash that I had to pay full price for, was the Infusium leave-in conditioner -- which I use on my skin right after I am done with my shower.  A few years back, this stuff showed up at the DT and I must have purchased twenty pieces.  Once that was used up, I had to resort to Amazon -- buying the largest quantity that I could.  TBG loves Neutrogena shower gel and sesame oil, so I will buy the largest size I can on Amazon, generally in a three pack.  That's the most cost effective way to do it.

All of that cough and cold stuff I bought last month needed to be put into its own section so that it could easily be found and used by someone with a foggy, cold-stuffed, sick head.  We are set for another long cough/cold season.  We do decline the flu shot (well, I used to get them at work when they were free), due to a friend who was nearly killed by her reaction to it one year.  Besides, neither of us can ever remember getting the flu as adults.  Colds, sinus infections and allergies are more along the lines of our usual ailments.  We are prepared!

Most of the deodorant here is girly stuff, so I am on the prowl for a more manly variety at some point.  I remember finding two packs of Secret at the DT -- making each piece half a buck. Of course, I stocked up!

I scored a bunch of digestive remedies on a clearance rack with the local Price Rite reconfigured their store.  There are two boxes of diary and gas products -- actually full of stuff from a number of other boxes.  Merchandise is often so over-packaged that there is room to cram many more pieces in, which I did in order to conserve space.

There are a few more shelves to work on, but this is the bulk of my stock.  I don't see us running out of much of anything any time soon!


  1. It looks very neat. I brought in stuff and put it all in one place until it was jumbled and needed sorting. I had half a dozen of my favorite deodorant and it all went to the dump. Now, I have on stick. If it did not hurt so, I would go to DT often.

    1. My stash gets out of control and I have to set aside time once or twice a year to make sense of it!

  2. The only thing I keep in the house are plasters (I think you call them "Band-Aid" over there) and painkillers. The NHS issue me with a year's supply of contraceptive pills and I have to go back at 12 month intervals for a check up.
    I can fit all my toiletries into a small bag!
    I don't stockpile anything and just go out and buy stuff as and when I need it. x

    1. I envy your discipline! Non-prescription products here can be so expensive, which is why I stock up. OK, that's an excuse. I think I am a hoarder!

  3. I like arm hammer deodorant. I have trouble with colgones.
    Coffee is on


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