No Black Friday for Me!

I have wanted to replace our land-line phone for ages.  Actually, the main phone/answering system is OK, but every charging cradle, except one has stopped working.  The rechargable batteries were changed but that didn't help (that set me back about twenty bucks).  Replacements for the cradles are around fifteen to twenty bucks on line and I need three. Even though one still works, I don't think we can count on it for much longer.

HSN, a television shopping channel, had this AT&T set on sale for one hundred bucks.  The deal for Black Friday is for free shipping.  I wasn't willing to shell that out (although they offered interest-free payments).

The prices on these networks are generally better than retail, especially when they have a sale.  Even so, I'm still really cheap.  Imagine my delight when I found the very same set on clearance at Target.  Before my trip to Office Max, I decided to stop into the store and peruse the clearance end-caps.  I was thrilled to find the same set marked down to forty bucks.  The price tag said it came from their on-line stock, so I am guessing it was returned to the store.  The box hasn't been opened.

I dislike Black Friday and the sales associated with it.  There are too many people out for me to want to physically shop in a brick and mortar store.  Deals on line can be deceptive, or you end up paying for shipping.  It generally also takes a long time to get the product since delivery gets slowed down during the holiday season.

This box is getting wrapped an put under the tree as a "gift for us."  I think TBG will like it, as he never thinks to rotate the phones through the one good charger. When I come back from time away, all but one of the handhelds (the one in the cradle), are dead.

As of this point, my holiday shopping list is complete.  All done, all with good deals. Woo Hoo!


  1. I had nothing to do with Black Friday, either.

    1. I bought some groceries, took Teddy to the vet, but that was it!

  2. I did a little Black Friday shopping at Lowes, well after the doors opened. They had GE Christmas lights on sale. We needed to get a few more for the house.

    1. We have this deep discount clearance chain called "Ollies" and I found my lights there this year. I'm guessing you're a little more motivated about outdoors decorating than I am this year. I am using the shorter season this year as an excuse, but really, it's just a little more than a week late!


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