Bed Time Story

To me, having "clean" in my house is perhaps the most vital luxury.  You don't necessarily need expensive or coordinated decor.  In fact, I'd rather have less with it being completely clean, than having more but not the time to manage the upkeep.  That's why not being employed works for me.  I might  not have the money for a high class bedroom and bed clothes, but what I have is clean.  I absolutely love getting between clean 100% cotton sheets every night.  They are dutifully washed once a week -- and I'll take that as an indulgence, since the rest of the bed is not! It just feels that way...

This night stand is a "splurge" item which is one of a set that TBG gifted to me new. It is a really good piece, so I am protecting the top of it the best I can using a heavy piece of glass. I had two left over from side tables we donated.  It's not the perfect size, but at least it affords some protection.  I keep more essential and less frippery on the bedside table, so we won't be featured in any decor magazine.  The black container is a thrifted wine box made of wood and spray painted black.  Before it had a faux crackle with grapes design.  It was probably made for a kitchen.  It's used here to hold moisturizer, which I faithfully use at night on my feet just before I tuck them between those clean sheets.  The outer curtains are held back now so air can get in when the window is open.  This drapery is being held back with a necklace from a consignment shop.

All of my pillows are functional.  The small elephant one came from Dollar Tree! I thought it matched the gold in the top blanket well.  I will prop that between my ankles for side sleeping if my  back is sore, the medium one can go between my knees.  Most nights, I don't need them so they get tossed on the floor.  The big memory foam pillow is for propping up in bed for reading, or if I'm congested with a bad cold.  The three base pillows are for sleeping.

My Nook is now living inside a cheap cover from Five Below -- on half price clearance ($2.50).  I stash my jammies and a pair of sweats in a bag made from an old sheet.  Once the bed is made in the morning, everything is tidy.

My bed clothes are economical but comfortable.  This is a light spring layer, which will change more in the summer.  The blanket is synthetic and bought on sale from HSN. I think I paid ten or twelve bucks for it.  That is queen sized.  I use twin sized blankets under that so less drapes over the sides (IMO that looks messy!).  One blanket was a five dollar clearance find.  It's all cotton and very comfy.  Another layer is actually a cotton drop cloth from Home Depot!  The sheets are 100% cotton damask.  Not sure where I got them but they would have to be on sale or clearance if I bought them.  Best of all, they are super soft and feel wonderful since they are regularly laundered.
TBG and the pup sleep in the big bed, where they both snore as loud as a couple of chugging locomotives.  I wash all the sheets (both beds, towels and white clothes) on Friday.  Any time a load of wash is on, the burgundy bed sheet goes in.  On days that I'm not doing laundry, it gets a high temp fluff.  I do wash the bath towels at least every other day, sometimes more.  They can go in any type of wash since they are color safe.  On days I groom the dog, all of the towels and this sheet get a rinse and spin.

There are functional items on this bed too.  TBG takes his blood pressure every night and first thing in the AM.  I like to have a toy for the pup.  The sheet protects the bedspread from dog hair.  I either wash or tumble it on high heat daily because of her skin issues.  In deference to TBG's desire to actually enjoy the bedspread, I'll take the sheet off if we have guests.  I always take the couch covers off for company too.  Since that is the case, it all gets washed and dried.

Nothing we have is high-priced or luxury bedding.  For me, the luxury is that it is always clean.  When we were both working, the sheets could go two weeks (ugh, or more!) without being washed.  Having them done more frequently is a real treat -- even if it is more work.  I even have the time to wash the pillows once a month.

To me, having the "best" is not essential, but having it in good condition and clean is!


  1. I never have had the best, but nice things bought on sale and cared for to keep them more than serviceable. I like your bed table. And, the necklace holding back your curtain is pretty and clever.

    1. I do have a set of 750 count Italian sheets. They were a splurge -- but still on clearance. There is not an appreciable difference between them and sensible good quality cotton sheets. In fact, the luxury sheets are less durable. So I know where to put our money with linens. Like you, the best is often out of my reach, but I can always find a good approximation!

  2. I love this post! I believe a restful bedroom, and decent quality, clean linens are a necessity, and I have strict standards in ours. We use only white, 100% cotton sheets in this house. I wash the kids' bedding every Friday. They all have full size beds, with either regular, or memory foam depth mattresses, so I can strip, wash and remake in one fell swoop--no worrying whose sheets are whose. I have found many of my sheets at thrift shops--the full size, or matrimonial bed isn't one many people have anymore, as they upgrade to queen or larger, so sheets are donated regularly. The vintage 100% percale is a DREAM! And, no, my kids don't mind thrifted anything, even bedding, knowing a hot wash cycle with a bit of bleach works wonders.
    My splurge for bedrooms are down comforters from Pacific Coast down. These are amazing--warm in the winter, cool in the summer. We don't use blankets--I loathe the feel of them, and hate that they don't breathe. I figure the cost of the comforters has been offset by being able to keep the thermostat set to 55 at night. I have comforter covers on them to protect them. My kids can personalize their bedrooms with their choice of comforter covers, (I only allow 100% cotton, though) and patchwork quilts, which I make from thrifted clothing/fabric. (They choose colors/quilt block.) If they choose white comforter covers, the are washed weekly with the sheets, patterned ones less frequently, the quilts every now and then. I picked Friday as the sheet washing day, because I figured slipping into clean, cool sheets on a Friday night after a long week, knowing you could sleep in the next morning, is a real treat.
    DH and I have a king-sized, pillow top, extra deep mattress, which is expensive to find sheets for, but again, I will shamelessly splurge for a good night's sleep. There is one brand of 100% cotton, extra deep sheets which I like, which is fairly reasonably priced, and I keep my eye on them for sales. I wash our bedding every three days, including the comforter cover. Again, white bedding, with a quilt as an accent.
    Another thing I insist on for myself are white, sleeveless, 100% cotton nightgowns, even in the dead of winter. The kids get me a new one every Christmas. I also try to find 100% cotton pajama sets for the kids. This is fairly easy to do in the post Christmas sales (and they become the next Christmas gift), but one son prefers 100% cotton, three panel boxer shorts with an enclosed waistband, and tagless, white, cotton t-shirts. Those boxer shorts are becoming increasingly difficult to find--the elastic is exposed in even the higher name brand these days. Again, another item I shamelessly search for in thrift shops.

    1. We are both cotton slobs! I gave up finding deep enough sheets. Our bed has a thinner cool gel topper that sits on top of the deep memory foam mattress. I tuck the ends of the fitted sheet under that thinner cushion and use those elastic sheet clamps to keep it on. We need to layer our blankets. Buffalo, NY can run from frigid to balmy in the course of just days -- so the temps are always up and down. I can't fathom how pioneers dealt with the cold temperatures here in the deep of winter.

      And like you, Friday is sheet washing day. Yes, it's the best way to end the week!

    2. Here in the PNW, we can go from heat to a.c. in the same day as well. The down comforter is perfect for all weather. I didn't believe it until I tried one, and now there is no going back for us. Warm in winter, cool in summer. No, I'm not a sales rep., I just really, really love the Pacific Coast down comforters.
      Whenever I find myself missing New England, I remember the cold...that I don't miss one bit.
      Thanks for your awesome blog. I love checking in with you.

    3. That is so sweet of you to say Meg! How do you, and how often, do you wash your comforters?

  3. I am a snob, I love Egyptian cotton sheets, pure cotton duvet covers and towels with the highest possible thread count. I occasionally get lucky in charity shops as there's a lot of crazy people who have to have bedding to match their decor and donate their old stuff everytime they decorate.
    Every few years I'll buy from a well-established French-based website when they have a sale on, the quality is exceptional. I'd never compromise and buy , made in some dodgy sweatshop, it would give me nightmares!
    Love the glass tops on your bedside table - definitely need to steal this idea - Jon's is always covered in tea! xxx

    1. Another great thing about using tempered glass to protect the surface, is you can switch out fabric for a quick pick-me-up and not worry about it getting stained, etc. I have thrifted cotton sheets, but it's difficult to find in King. I do hate cheap polyester blends for sure.

      I also like making things from the uber-soft, broken-in material once a sheet gets ripped!


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