Birthday in the Time of Pandemic

The restaurant I usually choose to go to on my birthday is still providing take-out, but it's just too far of a drive.  There was really no place nearby that I would have chosen instead.  So, I made roasted eggplant marinara from scratch and we had spaghetti for dinner.  I love spaghetti and marinara, so no complaints there.  We had this on the 28th, which was my actual birthday.  And yes, I made it for myself.  TBG is more than willing to cook for me, but the type of things he makes require buying ingredients that cost as much for one meal as I spend on food in a week.  I also didn't think he'd be able to find what he needed.  There is a rain check for this meal and I will probably cash it in this summer in Sodus.
He got me a birthday cake from Tops (the super market), because his favorite bakery has been closed.  I love butter cream frosting, so I enjoyed this a lot.  He did also get me butter cream filled doughnuts for breakfast.

That day we drove the Malibu out to Rochester to hand it over the the young man we are selling it to. I think I mentioned that we didn't take payment and will be happy to wait until he accumulates the thousand dollars.  We can't turn in the plates and he can't register it at this point anyway since DMV is closed.

So many things are on hold, that putting off my birthday is no big thing.  Since we don't live a fancy life, everything we did was still a nice treat for me.  Plus, my BFF dropped a bottle of champers at the door.

Teddy was my birthday present 12 years ago, and every year I get to celebrate with her is a good one.  We went on our usual river walk on Wednesday and I took her down by the water.  She wanted to go in but I had no towels.  On Friday I let her in and shampooed her while I was at it.  Unfortunately, it was still way too cold for that, so she shivered through it all.  It will probably be another couple of weeks before it's time for her to swim again.

We met a guy with a young golden on our walk and he mentioned how good we are doing if she is 12 because none of his ever live far past 10.  This is why I really feel as if things are good for us.  Life is tough right now, but I have my guy, my girl and our health.  That certainly makes for a happy birthday!


  1. Yes, sweet Teddy is still trucking along, even wanting to swim! Happy late birthday - all our celebrations will be looking like yours for months to come I am sure.

    1. Many thanks! Can you imagine this lock-down without Buddy? Impossible!

    2. I am not worrying about things that are postponed right now. Happy Belated Birth!ay.

  2. Sound like your birthday was well blessed.

    1. Spent with my two favorite living things, so of course it was! Thanks for the well wish Dora.

  3. What a lovely birthday you had! What a gorgeous photo of Teddy, too - her company must be the best present ever. xxx

    1. Golden retrievers have a reputation for being clingy, but I am just as clingy to her. She was the best birthday present ever!

  4. A most happy birthday to you! Mine is at the end of this month so there'll be no celebration for me, either.


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