Car Talk

The inspection was due on the Benz this month.  While I usually bring the car in for that on the last day of the month (that way when I pick it up the next day, it has a sticker for the next month), I brought it in this week because we needed repairs.  I figured that made sense since most parts it requires need to be ordered and package delivery is slow these days.

The pleasant surprise, was that the car was ready in two days.  That's a good turn around for this old jalopy!  In addition to the inspection, the driver side window was not opening or closing.  The car is 36 years old, but it has power windows.  Even our 2003 Malibu didn't have power windows!  In addition to the window issue, the power steering was no longer power.  It was like cranking a cement tank!

In the course of the inspection, the mechanic saw that the exhaust was being held on with a couple of pieces of wire hangers, which they replaced with legitimate brackets.  The power window motor was not shot, as I'd suspected.  But the switch for it needed to be replaced.  The power steering pump was not bad, as I'd feared, but the fluid did need to be replaced.

I was expecting a multi-hundred dollar repair bill.  $334 was still higher than I would have liked, but the car is now just fine.  Once our stay-at-home status is rescinded, we are splurging on a stereo (the original is now shot), and will have the cracked dashboard cover replaced.

As for the over-all condition of the car, the mechanic is very happy with how everything looks. Of course, there is probably a surprise or two in our future, but I'm opting to believe we are in good shape.  It was nice to hear the tires are in good shape, since replacing four Michelins, when the time comes, won't be cheap!

We chatted about business in the time of Covid-19.  Things have slowed for him but he's staying open.  They have applied for one of those small business loans and are waiting to find out if it goes through.  I sure hope it does.  They have a small shop which fills a niche that would otherwise be difficult to service.  When you have an old classic car like ours, you are not going to take it to a big box or national service chain.  It has to go to a mechanic who knows these cars and their workings.

I am looking forward to a few warm days so I can detail my beauty and get it in sparkling summer shape.  One of the best things about the warm weather is that I get to drive my classic ride!


  1. I think all businesses are just trying to hang on right now - any business you can give them is appreciated. The only ones who are doing a booming business are food suppliers, grocers and anything related to keeping people occupied. Here yarn and sewing stores have never been busier offering delivery and curbside pickup (allowed on our lockdown) with no one allowed in stores. She's beautiful and so glad you got those items fixed cheaper than you expected

    1. The mechanic's wife is a GP doctor, and all her visits are through telemedicine or Zoom. That is driving her crazy as she gets so many dumb calls. No one has figured out how they should bill for that either. I spoke to a UPS delivery person making a drop at our neighbor's. He said their work is crazy and he doesn't know how long he can handle the volume. I am not making any on-line purchases that aren't absolutely necessary in order to help that segment of the essential population out. This is crazy!

  2. I love it when I expect the worst and am surprised when the problem and cost is less than expected.

    1. That's what I told the mechanic! TBG and I have bets on who will come close to guessing the price without going over.

  3. Things are moving slower now, but they do come.

    1. There are things I am doing "Ship to Store" with, unless pickup is a real hassle. There is always a line outside of Home Depot :-(


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