Out Front

This picture basically says it all about what's going on out front at the Microcosm.

We know winter is over because the Benz is back.  It's not being driven much these days, and sadly, diesel gas is much more expensive than unleaded.  Oh well, both our cars are now diesel.  Our insurance asked to verify mileage on it, so I had the agent just update it for us -- the odometer is broken (a "feature" as our mechanic would say).  At this point, I don't think they are bothering much to remove low mileage discounts, since no one is driving and everyone is getting a rebate on premiums because of it.

Also, TBG brought our big blue planters out and planted marigold seeds harvested last fall in them.  Once our Black Eyed Susan starts to grow in en masse out back, we'll divide them all and plant some in these pots.  My goal is to not spend any money on these planters.  Who knows whether we'll even be able to get out to buy plants anyway?

The hell strip is particularly hellish in our case.  All the other houses on our block have grass while our area is rock solid.  I don't know if someone put down concrete at some point, but we'd need a jack-hammer to get through it.  TBG covered it with left over hunks of slate which are excess from the patio in back.  He also put a layer of rock salt.  It has since rained, which is what we were hoping for.  Hopefully, that will kill off any weeds that might start to grow.

If you look closely across the street, the turkey is out too.  All three things are a great sign of summer.  Things are looking up out front!


  1. I like the slate. Putting salt on the ground makes it sterile. Pour boiling water or spray the little weeds with vinegar for more earth-friendly practice.

    1. We need the ground to be sterile. All it grows are weeds anyway. We are afraid to break up the ground with a jack hammer because there are pipes to worry about. We could use a little more slate, though. He did make bases for the planter out of left over pavers we had from our old walk out back.

  2. Smart on planting your flowers - I hope they sprout quickly, the weeds sure do!

    1. We have weeds growing through the slate in the patio already! We think we'll pay our landscaper to come by every other week to weed wack. I has snowed a lot today, believe it or not!

  3. Me and Jon both love your Mercedes, she looks so cool out the front!
    In a previous garden my Black-Eyed Susans used to go beserk, I might have to go online and see if I can find any seeds on eBay for next year.
    Liking those blue planters very much! x

    1. I think we'll have to take side by side portraits of our two wagons. I am hoping to have the VW for many many years. With our heavy winter snow, not sure she will make it as long as Ebbie because I'll be driving her then.

      Do you know anyone who can donate a BES to you? I got part of a couple from a friend which account for a large part of our "crop." I have noticed we have two different varieties. I think they'll look good with the blue of the planter. : )


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