The world today seems absolutely crackers....

OK, I'm not afraid to say it... I like Chinese!  I am totally sick of all of the anti-Asian sentiment I am seeing on-line and in the news.  Today I'd just like to have the opportunity to remind folks that some pretty great stuff has come out of China:

- Chan Buddhism. Taoism, Confucianism -- beliefs based in love and nature
- Gunpowder, paper, printing
- Kites & umbrellas
- Chinese Medicine & Herbal Medicine
- Ground-breaking treatment and research for Malaria & Leukemia, and Dr. Hoh (AIDS/HIV)
- An astoundingly diverse and delicious cuisine
- Martial Arts  (six of them!), as well as related movies, entertainment

I've seen and read accounts of those wanting us to boycott Chinese restaurants, avoid any Chinatown, and stop buying anything made in China.  One blog even suggested not to buy things made in Italy -- and not because of their outbreak, but because many Chinese immigrants call Italy home and work in manufacturing there.  Many American made products use parts manufactured in China.  Heck, even American Movies have great Chinese Characters (Hello: Goldfinger, Chen Zen/a.k.a Bruce Lee)

Well, I sure hope these boycotting xenophobes aren't drinking tea (because chances are these fools also hate Indians), using iPhones (and/or Apple Watches, Fitbits, etc.) and paper, or reading anything in print. Oh yeah, and guns would be right out -- after all, the Chinese did invent gun powder!


  1. I never could understand why anyone would hate someone because of skin color or religion, so now all these hate-filled thoughts are just beyond me. I do understand that assigning of the "other" is the problem. I do share sentiments about no buying Chinese products but only because the US sent many products production there. It has nothing to do with the Chinese, though. Of course, so many components of items we do manufacture here have components made in China. Right now, keeping people alive should be our only worry. The only animosity I hold toward China is not telling the world the truth about the virus.

    1. I do agree with you mostly. I also place part of the blame on their lack of forthcoming in the backlash they were certain to receive. I am glad that the business relief packages aren't going to companies that do business in America, but are registered and do their manufacturing overseas. My big issue, is many in our society lump the people in with their industry and government. None of us can choose where we are born and IMO, we lose our humanity when we forget that we are all the same species.

  2. Bigotry is fear in an ugly disguise, and most fear is based on ignorance. I never thought our country to sink to the depths of depravity I have seen in recent years. I feel that rather than moving towards greater enlightenment, many are sinking to increasingly hateful levels of ignorance, to the detriment of mankind. ::jumps off soapbox::

    1. Singing to the choir my friend. I'm seeing things now that I remember from the distant past, which I never thought I'd see again. And I don't want to see any more of it! Sadly, it's actually a very loud minority getting their troublesome voices heard.

  3. I bet those idiots wouldn't even know where to find China on a map. x

    1. Nor know the difference between Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc.!


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