New Phone!

Well the yearly service period for my Tracfone was up.  I am cheap when it comes to my cell phone as I'm not mobile dependent.  Back in the 90's when a phone was the size of a brick and calls cost $1 per minute, I was required to carry one, along with a pager, and a clunky "luggable" computer.  It was pure hell.  Once I was free of that job and the responsibilities that required 24 hour availability, I tried to go as long as possible with out a cell phone.

I previously used my phones until they were no longer supported, opting for cheap pay-as-you-go plans.  Each time I had to upgrade to a new phone, the expense seemed to grow.  Prior to getting my first Tracfone, I had an unlimited monthly auto-renew deal.  That started out at $20 but ended up closer to $40 after time.  Since I don't use my phone a lot, it was a waste.

Last year I bought my first Tracfone.  I did not use up the air or data allotment, but did need to purchase more texts, which cost an extra five bucks.  Renewing my deal this year by purchasing another one year plan was something like $129.  Instead, I opted to buy a new phone for $50.

This saves me around $90 bucks. I am carrying over enough air time, data, and texts that I shouldn't need to buy more.  Truthfully, I liked my old LG phone better, but I'll survive.  It will still serve me as a camera and mp3 player.  At this point, I now have a couple of old phones that I use this way.

Porting everything over is a pain, and it took a good couple of hours.  Now I have to get used to this device.  But it was worth it to save $90 as far as I am concerned!


  1. Hope you new phone works well for you. I have no issue of turning it off, my phone that is.

    1. The people I know complain that I don't pay enough attention to it! I've only started leaving it on this year since I helped my sick relative. I do think the thing can be a pain...

  2. You did well. I pay little for phones and pay little for plans. I never understand the prices some people pay.

    1. I have relatives who still pay for adult children on their plans. I can't get over what a financial drain that is!

  3. Like you, I lived at the beck and call of mobile phones for many years.
    My job and later nursing homes and hospitals needing to get in touch with me regarding my Grandma, Mum and Dad's terminal illnesses and declining health. Everytime the bloody thing rang my heart would sink and I'd start to shake, what had happened now? When Dad died I switched off my mobile phone and never used it again.
    There's an ancient Nokia pay as you go the the kitchen drawer and if I ever go out to meet friends far away from home (remember those days?) find it out, turn it on and throw it in my bag.
    I'm not that important, if somebody needs me they can call Jon or email me. I like it that way!

    1. We keep a land line and people seem to hate to use it. I hate speaking to people on a cell phone as the reception is never great. The landline is bundled with our cable/internet and costs me ten bucks per month. I would much rather just use that. And then people complain they can't text it. I need to remind others that I have a phone for my convenience, not theirs... And I can say for the longest time that the sound of a pager or cell whether it was mine, someone elses, or on in the media, used to get my blood pressure and heart rate spiking. I hate them!

  4. I have a Samsung Galaxy Crown Tracfone and I love it. My husband hates his though. lol It's so much cheaper than any other plan out there, but it is a giant pain in the butt transferring everything over when you get a new phone. Worth it though. Takes great pics too!

    1. I am getting better at the transferring. I did use their switching app and that brought almost everything over. No matter what, though, with each phone I need tech support to get messaging to switch over. Not sure why. The couple of hours it took to do it was worth the money I saved.

  5. If you ever need to get rid of older phones battered women and mens shelters gratefully accept them. I am on apple now - Mom has my old one which is about 7 years old. It is slower but just her speed and she knows how to text and look up the grocery app which are the only things she uses it for.

    1. I have heard of that. The phone before last may be worth it to go. I'm not sure if the older ones are VOLTE compatible. I spent a bit of time (as I do with each new phone) deleting useless apps -- especially the games!


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