Painting Windows

I am sick of seeing protesters who want to end social distancing.  If staying in solitary mode keeps the virus from spreading, then count me in.  In fact, I want our little corner of the world to know I want people to stay well -- and I'm letting them know.  Since the Mercedes is an attention grabber, I decided to use it for messaging.

OK, a little vanity.  One of these days, I'm actually going to get a decal that says "Old Mercedes Lady."  For now, window paint will have to do.

I put the main  message on the passenger side so pedestrians will see it.  This side is for people who are driving by and won't have time to read.  When I am parked at the grocery store (once per week), both sides will be visible. 

Hey, if it makes anyone smile, it will be worth it!


  1. That is a wonderful idea! I, too, am willing to stay put for a long time. I think your vehicle should be on TV. Good for you.

    1. Maybe we all need to brandish signs? I know the protesters are the minority, but IMO that means the majority shouldn't stay silent.

  2. Thank you for doing your part during the pandemic. I wish more people would follow CDC guide lines

    1. I wish the CDC would be more outspoken and be the main resource to keep the country updated. They are taking too much of a back seat. Maybe if their voice was the primary guidance, more people would comply? I am happy to do this small part for sure!

  3. I love it! That must put a smile on everyone's face.
    We've seen those Covid-idiots on the TV, what on earth is the matter with these people? xxx

  4. Great idea. Yes, people are super stupid. Wait until someone they love dies, they will change their tune fast. In Canada we have a bit of that - also a large group of dillweeds who thing semiautomatic weapons are a right - they were just banned in Canada due to the massacre in Nova Scotia. 90% of the population actually supports this move. The ones against it are the racist Covidiots generally

    1. I envy you your PM. Actually following through to ban automatic assault weapons was the right thing to do. And I completely support his reasoning. You've got to be a piss-poor hunter if you need an AR-47 to bag a deer. It was creepy to see them being brought into the Michigan state house.


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