Troll House

This project is not finished and has been in the works for a while.  The big box is actually a set of shelves with a hinged front.  It was a garage sale find which I think was five bucks.  As soon as I saw it, I knew it would be a project for the little lady I painted chairs I showed in previous posts here and here.  The tiny troll dolls were a separate purchase, but as soon as I snagged the box, I knew I'd need to find the Trolls.  I also feel the need to mention, this was long before the new Troll movie came out.
The only regret I had with the Trolls, is that I didn't buy more.  The man had many more he was willing to throw in with the purchase of these.  Keeping in mind that TBG hates clutter, I refrained.  Now that I'm into my project, I wished I'd taken him up on the offer.  So from now on, I am on the prowl for more Trolls -- but only the old school variety.  These cleaned up nicely with a Dawn dish-washing liquid bath.

Here's how my painted version of the box/shelf turned out.  I knew from the start what this was going to be and I've  been working on it for a while.  I used acrylic paint for the details, but did a base of spray for the roof.  Some details were added with a paint pen.  It has a coat of spray acrylic for protection.

I used patterned paper and modge podge for the interior, along with paint for an accent.  This also got a clear spray coat for protection.  While the house is only partially finished, most of the furnishings will be made from recycled materials. I've built the bunk beds but need to make one more for the big Troll.  I've also got to figure out how to make a Troll potty (I have a tub and sink).  I think I am set with the kitchen but will want a few more items.  The basement will be the Troll living room and I'm going to make a rumpus room up in the attic.  I've also got plans for some wall art.

This project doesn't need to be completed until November when the little lady has a birthday.  I've got plenty of time to decorate.

I picked Trolls for a few reasons; 1. They are cool, 2. They are asexual.  If the little lady has a baby brother they can both play with this.  As for my inspiration, of course it was the creatively astounding Vix.  Since I both read and comment on her blog, I guess I am not a troll!


  1. That is adorable as were both the chairs. You have talent and are obviously not to color blind.

    1. I've had a few close calls with this one! I'm glad you approve, and thank you for the compliment.

  2. Your troll made me smile...Coffee is on

    1. Glad to give you something to be happy about!

  3. I love your troll house and am hugely flattered that you mentioned me! I bet you had so much fun and even if TBG isn't a fan, it'll make you smile every time you lay eyes on your house. xxx

    1. Oh he loves the Troll House for sure. I think he'd even be on board for me hoarding more Trolls now that he's seen this project. And of course, you are an inspiration to so many of us!


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