The High, the Low and Some Fakery

I went back through all the receipts I saved while at camp and realized I had been there since June 25th.  It sounds so indulgent to have a summer place on the lake shore, but the reality was me and my dog spending almost three weeks in a trailer at an RV park.  Worse, she came down with a serious digestive bug over the 4th of July weekend.  I don't think we'd ever seen her so sick.  And emergency or urgent vet was not an option as a dog who is merely sick is such a low priority.  But it was a very unpleasant five days or so until I got her back to normal.  She wasn't even eating!  Not to worry, by the time we went home, one visitor who had to spot next to us actually asked my how many times per day I fed her.  The truth is, at this point, I feed her probably seven or eight times per day.

There was one high end experience, and that was a field trip down to the home (and workshop) of Mackenzie Childs in Aurora, NY.  I will have to post about that.  Their store is silly expensive and all I managed to buy was a 50% off tea towel.  It was a gift for a friend, and at $8, the only affordable choice.  My dear friend June had never seen any MC merchandise and fell in love with the patterns and designs, but not the price.  As we were preparing to depart, a lady was walking her beautiful little Westie. I explained how I liked to take pictures of my car whenever I took it some place interesting.  She let me put her pup up on the hood and I snapped this picture.  Once I showed it to her, she wanted a copy too.  Now this looks a little more high class than my dog on a camp chair outside a trailer!

I did spend some time at my picnic table crafting a few dollar store items in the MC style.  The bedroom I have claimed as my lair has a bit of a butterfly motif.  I used to hang them in my cubicle at work.  And I have a butterfly tattoo too!  So, I figured I'd whip up a few pieces for decor and my two dollar efforts look fine to me.  Of course, these aren't as nice as the real thing, but hey, when you can't afford an original, making your own version will have to do.

My guess is I'll be home for a while. I'm trying to decide how safe I feel going back now that so much COVID is emerging in other regions, and those people are traveling. Also, I was seeing so many young people not wearing masks or social distancing.  Methinks it might be worth it to hunker down and relive my camp time through pictures and posts.

Stay tuned...


  1. I'm more than happy to hear about your camp adventures, do share and keep safe from the inconsiderate idiots who seem to think the pandemic doesn't affect them.
    I'm glad Teddy managed to get through her upset stomach, what a worry for you.
    That little Westie looks right at home on the merc. xxx

    1. Well, my adventures aren't quite as exciting as your jaunts around India. But thanks for reading!

  2. I am glad she is better. Was it something she ate?

    1. We think it was the drinking water. New flow hardware was installed and not sure if that had an effect. We were all sorta "loose," but she was the worst. Switching to bottled water and adding in oatmeal and brown rice seemed to do the trick. In fact, I am now feeding her oatmeal and other whole grains once per day just to try to keep her weight up. It was a shock to see her throw up (hadn't seen that more than once in 12+ years), and her turning her nose up at food (had never happened before!). With a challenged immune system, I was pretty worried. Thankfully now she is normal again!

  3. poor little dog, Im glad she's better. I am guessing she has lots of small meals to keep her strength up because she can't manage a big meal. I hope you can get a bit of weight on her.

  4. I'm so happy that I've never heard of MC. I'm just an ignorant simpleton and I'll take teddy on a camp chair outside a trailer any day. The Westie is cute though and looks great on your car. lol. I have no desire to look or appear wealthy in any way. I don't like to draw attention to myself other than through my art. I think hunkering down is a good idea. Our governor just issued a mask order. Hoping things improve and also that they delay the first day of school which is Aug 12 here. Waiting to hear an announcement today.

  5. We’re in VT and watching our numbers slowly tick up. Lots of people from all over coming here. We don’t go out much and wear masks and social distance when we do. We get “ to go” from a local restaurant delivered to our car a couple of times a month.
    Stay safe out there! We think a lot of “ before” aren’t worth getting sick over. If I had school aged kids, I would not be sending them to school just yet.


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