Coming & Going, Plus a Teddy Update


So I disappeared suddenly again.  It wasn't my intention! But good weather and a spot on the lake is hard to stay away from.  After a couple of weeks at camp, followed by a week-long house guest (from camp), I found myself back at camp again.  Once there, the Benz developed a mechanical issue, so I left it with the mechanics we use in Sodus.  As would be expected, a simple issue (turning signals stopped working), has taken a lot of troubleshooting, and a part on order is probably a week out.  So TBG came out and got me Tuesday night.  I'm busy catching up with home responsibilities now!

During my time at camp, I was able to see the Neowise comet in the night sky, and also wasted plenty of time (and got a sore neck), looking for meteor sightings.   In the past, I've seen spectacular displays of the Perseids showers in early August.  This past week was a real bust.  It was also horribly hot, hence my decision to de-camp.

I did also pop back into town for a vet appointment.  Teddy's general vet wants to see her twice a year now that she's a senior and has cancer.  Her oncologist appointment went well but reinforced the need for her to gain a few pounds.  She has happily consumed all the extra food I've been feeding and is now almost 65 pounds, which is where we want her.  I have had to cut down on exercise in this hot weather as she is carrying around enlarged glands in her neck and chest that make it harder for her to breath well and keep her body temp down.  Here she is, taking a break on Greig Street, in the village of Sodus Point.

Of course, mommies worry.  My vet gave the perfect analogy to help me stop.  He said you could get a new car and love it, but if someone puts a little dent in it, that is all you'll see. Your enjoyment will be gone.  He wants me to stop worrying and focus on enjoying her.  He let me do the visit in person too (the truth is, I forgot my phone at home when I put it down to grab her poo sample), which was very helpful.   Her blood-work results came in and he called today to tell me all of her numbers are perfect, with the exception of one liver enzyme.  That is always elevated and much the same as it was the last time we checked.  Other than the fact that she has cancer, she is super healthy.

TBG is off to camp with a friend.  I wanted time at home. They'll bring Teddy along and are heading out Friday morning.  His friend is a home health care aid and gets so little time off, so it will be nice that they will be able to relax. I've got them set for food and other supplies, so they should be able to do a lot of nothing.  My plan is to get things done around the house and catch up with blog reading. I'm eager to see what everyone else has been up to!


  1. Thanks for the update on Teddy. Sounds like she's doing well. Enjoy your catching up time!

    1. Now if only I could think of things to post about. Whether at home or camp, I am doing a lot of nothing!

  2. A lovely photo of Miss Teddie and sound like camping is joy

    1. We came back after one stay, and she actually looked visibly depressed. She is really enjoying her summer there.

  3. That's a lovely photo of Teddy. The vet's analogy is spot on. You're brilliant parents and she looks so happy, enjoy the time you have with her. xxx

    1. Thanks Vix! I did manage to do a little thrift store and garage sale shopping. Teddy has enjoyed all of it with the exception of her regular clip and grooming, which still happens at camp thanks to clippers I found at a garage sale.

  4. What a sensible way to view Teddy's predicament - when my little cat was ill, all I could see was how thin and worn she looked, it broke my heart, but when I looked into her beautiful eyes and cuddled her it didn't matter, she was still my kitty, we all age and deteriorate and our pets probably notice us doing this and just accept it so we must too :) It's so nice to read about you having these precious times with your pet. Betty x

    1. Thank you Betty! We did meet a gentleman with a very aged (15 years!) dog who is facing kidney failure. He thought I was crazy when I said she looked good. He was carrying her at the shore and she did look happy to be with him. She probably only had another couple of months but so few dogs live that long that it was good to see she was being so well cared for. Our time now really is precious -- but selfish me wants more!


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